Sponsor A Child

Bless an orphan ...

A gift of $35 per month will cover food, clothing, and school expenses for one precious child living in the Acts Home. Ideally, sponsorship would be for the long term, extending until the child grows up and becomes self-supporting.

Click the button below to be directed to the donate page, where you can set up recurring and automatic payments for the child you have chosen.



THANK YOU for caring for these orphans in need!

Sai Moon

Her father died as a Shan ethnic militant fighter. Her mother abandoned her in order to remarry.

Small Lay

Her parents died and she and her sister were adopted by a family who could not continue supporting them. Her sister was already infected with hepatitis B and remains in the village, but Small Lay has come to live at the orphanage.

Na Kho

Their family was driven out of their village because the mother was accused of witchcraft. The mother died and the sickly father roamed the forest searching for food. Too poor to go to school, Na Kho and her sisters tended to some water buffalo to make a small income for survival. The father left and an elderly woman introduced them to the orphanage.

Na Lay

She is from the border of Thailand where there are many orphans because many adults are involved in drug smuggling. She was adopted from babyhood, but her new family could not provide her with an education, so when they heard about the orphanage, they sent her to us.

Zaw Rein

He is from the Karen ethnic group. His father died of alcohol addiction. His mother was so poor and sickly that when a pastor saw the family’s helpless situation, he sent Zaw Rein to our orphanage. The mother has never been heard from again and apparently died.

Yaw Ba

He came from the Akha tribe near the border of Thailand. Both his parents worked on an opium farm, and both died of drug addiction.  


She is an illegitimate child. Her mother told the nurse who helped deliver the baby to kill it as soon as it was born. But the nurse was a believer in Jesus. Hearing about the orphanage, she sent the baby to us.

Thet Moon

Her father died of drug addiction. Her mother was eager to give her children away so that she could go to Thailand to remarry. She is the oldest of four siblings.


His father died of drug addiction. His mother was eager to give her children away so that she could go to Thailand to remarry. He was the youngest of four, and she had not even given him a name when he came to the orphanage.


She came from a war-torn area near the Chinese border where the Burmese army and ethnic militants have been waging war for the past 60 years.  Her father died of malaria while the family was hiding in the jungle. Her mother abandoned her and disappeared into China.