Our Values

We value long-term relationships and commitment based on mutual trust and respect as we serve alongside our national partners, as each contributes its resources to achieve mutually-agreed-upon goals, and as we share a common vision and mission.

We value planting indigenized churches, adopting appropriate cultural forms in expressing their Christian beliefs, and in nurturing and strengthening local churches so that they become healthy reproducing churches.

We value aligning our lives and ministry with the Word of God, waiting upon the Lord, exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of the ministry.

We value equipping and releasing national leaders to be what God wants them to be, always recognizing and rejoicing at His work in and among them.

We value empowering national partners to local ownership of ministries supported by local resources.

We value training that is unified, systematic and reproductive, with a curriculum that is Bible-based, biblically-balanced, and indigenized; designed to build Christ-likeness, commitment to the Word and competent ministry skills.

We value the trust given to us by donors and partners. We seek to maximize resources and eliminate waste through wise stewardship and careful management.

We value transcending denominational, cultural and national barriers in forging biblical unity among believers without compromising biblical truth for the sake of the Kingdom.

We value personal holiness, impeccable integrity and excellence in all our endeavors.

Adopted from Acts International.